Godsplash - Version 4.0 (Page 3)







Imagine the tranquility of all that is combined into 1 essence, with that you get the Eamon Swandive. This magnificent formation is the superior way to ride it, which is why I chose to do so in the picture to the right.










The unprecedented three-man slide. A breath-taking accomplishment of epic proportions. That was the culmination of the Godsplash's being.


Once again, a candid picture of the Godsplash being put into great use.









(left) Nick had a great idea. Why not inflate the inner tube so that you get maximum Godsplash-ization? Well, Nick knows best, but it was actually Tim's idea, but let's let Nick have his moment in the spotlight.



(right) Gary, Dale's son, did NOT participate in the Godsplash because he took a shower before he came over. If that makes sense to you, please explain it to me, because I am clueless.












Jake, vaulting over Dan in an feat good enough for the Godsplash. Where else can you do this?

Dan trying to copy Jake, but was not as successful, as gravity wasn't very nice to him that day.
