Godsplash 7.0 (Page 1)




In the Christian Faith, The Big 3 (as I call them) refers to God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. In the Godsplash Belief Structure, The Big 3 refers to Gary, Kevin, and Beeeeeeeggggeee, pictured left to right.






Dale, owner and proud Father of The Big 3, eats his bratwurst with pride. I only put this picture here to make the statement that Dale did NOT Godsplash.








Paul Plakut, Tim's friend, joins the long list of people who witnessed the Godsplash but did not partake in it's watery goodness.

Jeremy Giesel, James' friend, shows his support for our mischievous doings, but does not join us. I wonder what is up with these people.







Rich (foreground) questions why we throw our bodies down the Godsplash, only to later do so himself.



Browski, some kid, and Elizabeth Wessa, watching Godsplash from the safety of the sidelines.








Standing triumphantly and encased in mud, my Uncle Rick becomes the oldest person to ever Godsplash. On top of  that momentous record, he is also one of two adults to ever experience what the kids call fun these days. I exclude myself and James because I don't consider us real adults. It took him a few times, but soon Uncle Rick was Godsplashing like a pro, and deserves a place in our hearts and the Godsplash Hall of Fame.


