Godsplash 7.0 - Page 3





Gary decided that he just had to try it out for himself. So despite trusting the little voice inside your head called common sense, Gary nearly killed himself, as one of his jumps almost propelled him over the fence behind the mattress, and into the neighbor's backyard. But as can be seen from the picture to the right, any crash you can walk away from is a good one.












Jake, proving that he is tough enough to endure that harshness in what has become the Godsplash 7.0 ramp. But the picture at right shows exactly what I talked about on the last page. He tested the limits of the ramp, and smashed into the chain link fence, scratching up his back real good. But each individual is responsible for themselves, so I didn't even get him antibiotics or even a simple bandage.








Brian, a first-timer, Godsplashes like a pro, which leads to speculation that he's been privately practicing in his backyard prior to coming over to our house.

Stacy makes it about three banners, but that's alright because she got right up and tried it again.









The double run makes a return as Jake and Danny risk their lives trying to avoid their impending doom by crashing into each other while wallowing in the mud pit.

Rich makes it about 4 banners, not bad, but definitely not up to par with the rest of the experienced Godsplashers. Gotta give him credit though, most people his age just sit off to the side and watch. But that's no fun at all. Next summer all of your adults are joining us.




To Godsplash 7.5

