Godsplash 7.5 (Page 2)




The unfortunate thing about the Godsplash is the mud pit at the bottom. Some people like Tim like it though, as he spends an awful amount of time down there.




Danny (on the tube) and Jake try to avoid crashing into each other whilst cascading down towards the murky pit below.









Rich shows us that "old" guys like him still know how to party. What better way to demonstrate it than to show us up on our own invention.

A group of kids enjoying what will soon become a summer tradition, and over time, a classic.








Brian, looking very surprised to be here, can't decide just what he's doing right now. That's why we call him No-Brain.

Looks like Kevin's finally getting into the act, as he tumbles down the Godsplashes, as all good kids do.









Due to the limitations of technology, one cannot tell exactly who it is in these pictures, but we love 'em all the same here at the Godsplash.

Kev-o, standing proud, whilst Chad becomes a human blur as he displays his walking abilities.



