2 Godsplash - 2.0 (Page 2)




























Henry experiences the Godsplash first-hand (fully clothed in jeans and a t-shirt, I might add), and is taken aback by the sheer adrenaline rush barreling down a hill on a tube gives you. 

The Crash Helmut receives a standing ovation upon it's triumphant return for a second year. It was proudly worn and displayed by the one and only Tim Reck, and it was fantastic.

Tim had finished his run with the Crash Helmut, and like always, ended with a splashdown in the mud pit. Sarah tried to hose him down , but the mud pit took control and left Tim with a stomach full of grass. 

I am left dazed and confused by the Godsplash's mystical powers. Unfortunately for me, it caused an allergic reaction that sent me straight for the medicine cabinet and some much needed relief.

A few aspirin adjusted my sense of place and time, and a mirror allowed me to look into the face of true belief and understand that it is not the Godsplash that make the man, but the man that makes the Godsplash.
