2 Godsplash TR - The Test Run (page 2)






























Some people (like Tim) are quite fond of the tube, and it also was in need of thorough testing before it could be used in Season 2 of the Godsplash. What did not matter though, was the fact that I was not that good at riding the tube, but despite my poor performance, the safety test passed pookon.com's strict guidelines.

The whole time that this was going on, Lassie was just chillin' in the yard, doing next to nothing like usual. She took the opportunity to use the long-forgotten sandbox, using it instead as a bed to rest her weary bones.

My old friend Charlie Horse took time out of his busy schedule of sitting and collecting dust in the garage to once again give me a hand in the photography department.

The Godsplash rides the same today as it did in days of yore. I always thought that black and white pictures made the images look old, so an old-time feel was what I was going for. Charlie Horse, who looks good at his age, is starting to creak and splinter, causing much sorrow for me, as I may one day need to send him to a home.



I'm thinking really hard. I'm thinking that there is no possible reason for you to not come over and Godsplash. If you could think of something better to do, I'm always open to suggestions, but I highly doubt there will be any.

Godsplash will take place as often as possible, email me at pookon@hotmail.com, or call me at 232-6565 to join the Godsplash mailing/call list. I promise you'll know as soon as the next one is happening, so you too can have the best summer possible, courtesy of pookon.com and the world famous Godsplash.



2 Godsplash Test Run Videos
