3 Godsplash 2.0 (page 3)








































This is exactly what I was talking about on the last page. James slid down the Godsplash, standing up the whole time, then almost flipped over the crash board. I've been telling these guys to slow down, but so far they haven't listened. What do I know anyway?

Thanks again to my Mom for donating her backyard to the greater good of all mankind. Her sacrifice will be duly noted when judgment day arrives. She also took some fantastic pictures, and won the backyard cooking contest.

James and Tim stand on the opposite side of the fence, hiding behind the crash board. Hiding from what, I couldn't tell you. Probably the thing that hurt James in the picture on the right. Maybe it's the People Under the Stairs. Maybe it's the Wild Things (from the book, not the song.) Or maybe, just maybe, it's the Wheelers. I'm not sure who it is, but he definitely is reeling in pain. So nice of me to sit and take pictures instead of helping him out, eh?

Mike Bates, my good friend, got himself involved in something he certainly is ready for. He's been to countless Godsplashes since it's inception that he has no trouble showing the first timers how we do it in Wauwatosa. I'd name him Mr. Godsplash of Wauwatosa if it weren't for the fact that everyone else who Godsplashes is also from Wauwatosa (with a few exceptions.) So then I'll just let it be known that he's one hell of a Godsplasher.

Where in the world does this guy shop? I've never been to a store that sells clothes like this. How does he do it? Chad must make his own shirts because they are seriously out of this world.

Below, Mr. Schultz served as hose jockey while Chad stands around blinding everyone. The hose jockey is one of the most under appreciated positions in the Godsplash world.
