World Series of Beer Pong 4 - Before





So I guess Hummel was just serious about beating those randoms. Hummel played really well, hitting something like 7 cups in this exhibition game. But we didn't win, meaning that I hit 0 cups. 0 cups damn it! In the 7 years I've been playing beer pong, I don't recall in any sanctioned league event, tournament, basement house party, Chateau Murray, Shorewood, Cramer House, Lake Terrace, parking lot, or other random venue that I have had an 0-fer game. So needless to say, I was quite upset. But it's best to get this crap out of the way today.

















Some of my other friends from Chicago came out for the WSoBP, and they too were hanging out at O'Shea's playing beer pong. That's Jim in the blue, and Jon and Dominick in the back. And those 3 random chicks? I don't know them, but Dominick had me take a picture of them with his camera, so I took one with mine too.


One of the tricks to playing (and winning) competitive beer pong is playing well when you are outside of your comfort zone. The tables, cups and balls are different than the WSoBP regulated standards, so it took me a while to get acclimated to the game in this venue. I tried to not get too used to the beer pong game here, cause I didn't want to screw up my WSoBP game starting tomorrow. But I still wanted to win and beat these guys. Unfortunately it didn't happen, because I missed cups and Jim was distracted by the girls ogling us from the sidelines.










Jim decided to bow out so that he could keep macking on those chicks, but I let him go because I was there for only two things - drinking and beer pong. So I kicked those distractions to the curb and called Hummel over so that we could Hummel that Shit in pajama pants. We were serious about beating these randoms.