Afterglow 2014 - Day 7 Friday




We decided to close out our last night at Afterglow in the only way we knew how - Raging on KK. But this night is always more subdued than the rest because we all need to head back home early in the morning. Don't let these pictures fool you. This is us at around 60%. You don't even want to see what happens when we ratchet it up to 100%. You're un-raged mind couldn't handle it.


It was just Mom and the kids at the fire tonight. Seriously, I don't understand how she puts up with us. There's a special place in Heaven for people like that. We're not the worst group of individuals (trust me), but we often get to a level of obnoxious that is enough to make even the most patient person lose their cool. But year after year, she keeps on hanging out with us. That's insanity.



















This monkey totem was at my work for a very long time. I think that it was in someone's desk. When they quit or got fired, they didn't take it with them. It sat in this "no man's land" of lost items until I took it. I promise you that no one misses it. But like every little thing I find that can burn (like a rocking horse), I will burn. On the last night of Afterglow I set this little beast into the fire. And like the real son of a bitch that I am, I sat back and laughed while he burned "alive". What? Not like that poor bastard felt anything.

























I'm not satisfied with only wood to burn. I don't care that logs make the most sense as far as sustainable heat goes. I'm more interested in a quick flash and immediate payoff. That's why I burned my foam pirate sword. By now it had seen better days so it was best to give it a proper send-off. Of course that really should have been burial at sea, but I decided to burn it instead. Call me a savage or label me a "poor pirate". I don't care. I'm a pyro first and a pirate second. Burning always comes before drowning.






The burning of objects was not over thanks to a tragic miscue by Drunken Iceman. I dropped my Nalgene bottle on the ground and it shattered. I have had this bottle for well over 15 years (I "stole" it from a high school friend who "left" it at my house), so I was sad to see it go. But I gave it a proper send-off as well as it burned mighty and proud on its' last day.
Kids look at the camera. It doesn't matter if it is in their own hands or in the hands of someone standing a few yards away. We can't avoid it, almost like we have been conditioned because of our mothers. This isn't a good way to live. But it is a good way to preserve memories. If we didn't look at the camera, how would I be able to share these pictures with you?