Afterglow 2016 - Day 4 Tuesday



At some point along the way, everyone grew up and got real people jobs. One of the downsides to that (of which there are many) is that sometimes you cannot take off work for a whole week of Afterglow. Jenny had yet to arrive up here, Beege would be leaving tomorrow morning and Curtis would depart whenever he felt like it. This meant if we wanted to go to the Casino as a group, tonight would be our best shot. The kids all assembled in cars and took off. Kevin was sad that I didn't go with them, but something inside me told me not to go tonight. As the caravan took off for Upper Michigan, I sat by my lonesome out on the dock and watched the storm roll into town.

















Watching a storm roll in, seeing the clouds overtake the sky and then dump some rain all over you and your surroundings is wonderful, providing that you are somewhere safe to enjoy it. Getting wet wasn't an issue for me, as we spend so much time in the water here (and I also had a waterproof case for my phone). So I had no issue with standing outside in the elements and taking videos and pictures of the evening's events. At first I did feel bad that I was missing out on spending time with my cousins, but when I looked out over the lake and up at the clouds, I knew that I was supposed to be here. Decisions are hard to make, but tonight I knew that I made the right one. Because had I gone with them, I wouldn't have these beautiful images to share with you. Plus it was even better for me in the moment, so there was nothing more that I could have asked for. And I'm at peach with that.


































There's something about experiencing these moments alone that I really do enjoy. While I do like to share them with others (as evident by posting them here for your viewing pleasure), these moments feel more special when I'm the only one there. There's something so peaceful about the calmness and serenity that nowhere else in the World can provide. And that's why I treasure this place. And keep coming back year after year.







