Me and My Friends (page 2)



Meaghan insisted that this picture make it to the website. After it was taken, I said (and I quote) "Are you sure that you want this picture on there?" She said yes. But who am I to argue with what other people want. 

This one took about 3 tries to get it right. The other versions were more like outtakes, with either Amanda or I doing something outlandish to "ruin" the picture. This one looked the best out of all of them, so it stays.

After the games concluded, chaos was free to run rampant. It was like a paste-eating 4 year old being let loose in the glassware section of the Pottery Barn. People were running around, dancing on top of the Beer Pong table, and all sorts of craziness that could have summoned police in riot-control gear. I don't want to single people out, for I fear the proper authorities would learn of their identities and then take necessary precautions to limit and quarantine said individuals in an effort to prevent an event such as this to happen again.

This is TJ. By now, you (and all of us) have grown to love this guy. It started out with him sleeping on my couch, then it turned into him having is own spot in my apartment and in my heart.

This is Scott Lorge. He's that guy in pictures who is always celebrating behind you as you pose for a serious picture. That's so awesome, and there really is nothing wrong with that.

This is Jen, or JMo as we have come to call her. Her dedication to the game (beer pong) and the season (2003/2004) was unprecedented and absolutely fantastic. All that and she's hella cool too.    

Oh that TJ. I caught him sneaking up to JMo for a photo opportunity. But what guy could resist? Certainly not TJ. If he were training to become a Jedi Knight, he would surely succumb to the Dark Side.
