California Spring Break (Day 9)






Now I like to think that I have a pretty good eye when I'm behind the camera, but these photographs would make those guys from National Geographic shell out tons of dollars. There's a grand serenity about the atmosphere of this golf course. Call it atmosphere, call it destiny, but I'd call it California. Moan about the traffic and the overpopulation (not to mention the budgetary problems) all you want, but I would love to live in a state where Arnold Schwarzenegger could be governor. Have you ever seen Kindergarten Cop?

This is where good golfers usually put the ball at the end of the hole. Most of you already knew that, but there are some that come to this site for education, and by knowing that you are able to pass the test of knowledge.

This is the view from the 6th tee. The 6th hole runs right through his backyard. Now that would anger me if someone with a strong hook broke one of my windows just because I bought property along the 6th hole fairway.

This is the house from the outside. From outside it doesn't look that big, but if there was one thing that I learned from Labyrinth is that things aren't always what they seem around here. I also learned that a girl who looses her little brother will whine the whole time while searching through a crazy city filled with weird puppets alongside weirder companions and then fall in love with David Bowie in the end.

My Uncle Gary balances atop a chair in an attempt to pound a nail into the wall. This escapade resulted in a picture being hung on that nail. 
