Afterglow 2007 - Day 1 Saturday





faith insisted on wearing goggles while swimming, no matter how goofy she looked while wearing them. she might have loved them at the time, but knowing from experience, this picture will come back to haunt her in 10 years when I pull it up online when her 17 year old friends are over her house for a sleepover and crazy Uncle Scott stops by randomly to embarrass her in front of her friends. although the goggles did serve a purpose (underwater viewing) they weren't the most fashionable things to be wearing that day on the beach. Faith doesn't care about that though, which is one of the reasons i love her and love children in general - sometimes they just don't care what everyone else thinks.


When I was out on the raft, I was inspired to swim to my cabin rather than walk to it. I don't know if it was divine intervention or my drunk self talking to myself, but it seemed like such a good idea at the time. It was a bit of a struggle, but seeing as how it was only the 1st day and I had yet to get into swimming shape, I took my lack of conditioning as a sign of better things to come. Plus, Kevin and I had agreed to swim from dock #10 to the raft on Friday, so I needed all of the practice that I could get so that I could accomplish my goal on time.














Brothers are strange. There's really no way that I can sugarcoat that one or properly explain it to someone who does not have a brother. Some things you need to just learn for yourself. if you don't have a brother, I offer you the chance to hang out with one of mine for an extended period of time. Then you'll see what Tim, James, Kevin, Gary and Beege (pictured) and I know all too well. Brothers are strange. You know what else is strange? Modeling. I never really got it. Maybe it's just me, but I don't care to see how clothes look on other people, what matters to me is how they look on me. I've already seen what the pink hat looks like on me, but I do I care what it looks like on Faith? Yeah, I guess I do. So I guess modeling does make sense after all...






Faith and I decided to switch hats and smile nice and big for the cameras because we felt like it. If you came here looking for an explanation for my actions, then sir or madam, you've come to the wrong place. the simplest answer for me to provide was that I was probably drunk at the time and that it seemed like a good idea at the time as well. while I can't vouch for being drunk 24/7 (even though at afterglow it's pretty darn close) it is very unlikely that I can sustain that high of an BAC for that amount of time. My excuse then? I guess I don't have one.









James and Janelle watch over Faith as she plays in the water, but they almost don't have to because Afterglow is arguable one of the safest places in the entire world. sure, some of us have gotten hurt or had to go to the hospital because of bike accidents, knife accidents, riding down toboggan hills, playing with fire/fireworks or miscellaneous infections/aches. We've definitely had our share of problems up here. But even though accidents do happen, this place still is a safe place to bring your family and not have to worry about their well being. I would trust anyone up here with my life, and I consider everyone here family. Afterglow changes people, almost always for the better.












