Pookon's Lost Archives

Fire at the Old Apartment






It was late on Sunday April 27. I had James and his friends Marquis, Danielle, and Jenny over to hang out and play video games. This was back when I lived in Riverwest at Capital and Humboldt. We having some fun and goofing around when the fire alarm started to go off. We gathered our stuff together and took off down the stairs, and sat outside waiting for news to be told about the situation.

I had grabbed my bag, and luckily my camera was in it, which was nice, because that allowed me to take some pictures. Unfortunately, it had my 4 MB memory card in it, which in the world of digital cameras, is about enough for like 10 pictures. So this is all that I have.

Fortunately, it was seasonably warm out, and we didn't mind hanging around outside. Plus I had some good friends to help pass the time. If you didn't know them already, let me introduce (from left to right) Marquis, Jenny, Danielle, and James.

There were a bunch of crazy people, weirdoes, and druggies living in that building. I'm not kidding man, some of those people would scare me so much that I would not ride the elevator with them, just in case they decided to go crazy and kill me on the way to the 8th floor. If you've never been to my old apartment, ask anyone who did go there. They'll tell you the exact same thing. While it did kind of bother me, it did make for a couple of interesting days, and a couple of interesting stories. (Ask me about the Jive talking guys someday. I swear they were just like those Jive talking guys in the movie Airplaine!) Well, anyway, one of those crazy people in the picture on the left asked the firefighters (pictured at right) if the building was on fire. The firefighter looked back at him, and with a straight face, said something like 'I won't know until we get up there.' That crazy guy was serious. If I was the firefighter, I would've been like, "You see any flames shooting out of the building, Crazyman? You see fire smoke billowing out of the windows? No? Well then how I'm supposed to know fire if I can't see any fire? Step aside Crazyman, fireman gotta do his job." We all got a good laugh off of that crazyman's question, but none of us laughed as hard as Marquis. I bet if I brought it up to him, he'd laugh so hard he bust his stitches (if he even had stitches.) I bet it would bring him to chuckle loudly.

By now you know that it is customary for me to have a picture of me in front of heavy machinery. No vehicle is exempt from this policy. That fire truck was just begging to be the perfect background and the perfect finale to that night's endeavors. They came downstairs, and let us go back into the building. Apparently, someone had set their kitchen on fire. Now that would be cool. Eggs would be frying on the counter, scary monster dogs in your fridge would scream Zeul, and then Bill Murray would hit on you. Sounds like a perfect evening for me... 
