Minnesota, Mike Bates, Jenny, + Me












Mike needed a rest after that little escapade, and showed us what he would do if he was a bum living in the park. Jenny decided to assault Mike with her baseball glove, making sure the gutter trash stays in the garbage can and not on the streets. But all bums aren't bad though, take Random for example. He was this bum that Jenny, Dan, and I met down at Lake Michigan one night. He was an alright guy.













The ball in the factory thing pretty much ruined our game of catch, so we decided to pose with the factory that stole out ball, just in case we ever needed to post it on some criminal site thing. You know how the FBI has that list of the 20 most wanted people? Well, they probably have lists for notorious stealers and stuff. So that factory might be on there. You never know...

Strange things were afoot, as we were about to cross the bridge right behind me. It was a walking bridge that connected the banks of the Mississippi river, and allowed us to walk all the way to downtown, if we so wished. We didn't quite feel like it, so we went about 3/4 of the way across it.









The police rolled through and caught us trespassing. We were scared as the car approached, rolled down the window, and calmly asked "Who threw the ball?" I nimbly responded, "Uh... me." He glared back at me with a stern look on his face, and to paraphrase what he said, he basically told me to learn how to throw, and to not let it happen again. Then they left. I was in shock. Now that guy gives me a reason to like cops.

So another morning dawned, and we had to figure out something to do to pass the day. Almost every time that Mike and I get together, we go out and play catch. So I guess this day was no different than the others. So we went on down to the river (Mississippi that is), and began our adventure.

Something always goes awry every time Mike and I get together, and misfortune found us, even in Minnesota. So I threw the ball, it rolled under this gate and into this factory. Mike climbed the brick wall, over the barbed-wire, and retrieved the ball.
