New York City Spring Break - Day 2








We asked some nearby tourists to snap our picture and they did the common courtesy tourist thing and took the picture. I probably returned the favor by taking their picture, but to be quite honest I don't care. The self timer was invented to erase the need for humans to be involved in picture taking, but I didn't have a level ledge to set it on.








I'll be honest at this moment (mostly because I've been drinking while I am typing this paragraph) - at this point I was trying to look up her dress. I know that sounds sick and perverse, but let's face it, I'm a guy and monument or not, she's a girl. Human nature dictates that I am attracted to people of the opposite sex, even though she is 151 feet tall and made out of copper. I bet back in the day, before the elements made her green and she was still shining bronze, that she was quite a looker. There's nothing like a pretty lady welcoming you into town on your first visit there. It really sets the tone for the rest of your experience within that city. Those immigrants must have been overjoyed to see her stunning figuring overlooking the harbor.

I've previously reported that strange things happen when Jenny takes over the camera. She took this picture of me being interrupted from my wonderful vacation by my roommate Chris when he informed me that my TV was broken. I tried to not be upset because I was 900 miles away, but I couldn't help it because I love technology.

I do my part in the upkeep and maintenance of the Statue of Liberty by tightening this giant bolt and ensuring the stability of this structure. Every American at some point in their life is expected to do their share, and I'm just getting mine out of the way early so that they can't force me into helping out when I'm old and don't feel like it anymore.

I looked over at New Jersey and made fun of it because it is smaller and less exciting that New York City. This is probably the city of Newark but I can't be certain because I don't work for Rand McNally. Those people know everything because they have created the world in paper form. Whatever it is, I looked at it and took a picture.

Jenny tries to sneak into the photo while I worry some more about inanimate objects. She then does the unthinkable by taking a hilarious picture of her upside-down by failing to realize which side of the camera is the top. She regretted her decision later on, but I said that it was ok because it turned a mediocre picture into a hilarious gem. Jenny's ability to turn the direst of situations into the most memorable is one of the reasons why I keep bringing her around every time that I go out and do something. I have multiple pictures over several years on this website that prove that fact.