New York City Spring Break - Day 2






















































The lights on the buildings started to turn on, which could only mean one thing - night. Night normally meant that we would have to do other things than spend time outdoors, but this is NYC and nothing changes when the sun goes down.  We decided that since it was obviously dark out, we should go and check out Times Square at night when the lights are on. On the way, we stopped at Macy's where I checked out the purses while Jenny checked out some beauty products. Some of these purses cost over $900, which to me seems like a rip-off because a pocket holds money just as well for free. 

We passed by the North Fork bank and I promptly cashed in my bag of forks for something a little easier to carry, like a couple of well sharpened knives. I figured that they would come in handy in case anyone in the big scary city decided to mess with me. Thanks to the bank, I'm now equipped for city life.  

We turned the cornet and found ourselves immersed in the craziness known the world over as Times Square. Even though I've seen it many times in movies and TV, nothing could prepare me for the real life Times Square. 

Marketing and advertising plays a huge role in the presentation and image of New York City's Times Square. This place is primarily known for the amount of money spent on making it become the flashiest and most outrageous set of billboards in the country. Every single one is competing against each other to get more viewers to gaze upon its advertisement. Take for example, this one that says the Original King of Bling. I have no idea what it stands for or what company is behind it, but I like it because it is original and humorous. Besides, who knew that King Tut had game?

Cameras stump me sometimes. They are perfectly adept at taking pictures in a certain situation, yet fail when it comes to another. Likewise they cannot provide decent photographs of two things at the same time. Take for instance, the picture on the left. You can clearly see Jenny in the picture but the lights are blurry. On the right, you can clearly make out each advertisement and see the colors and lights in their true form. Why you can't capture both at the same time confounds me. Is it too much to ask to have 2 for the price of 1? Why can I never get twice as much as I have paid for/earned? I think that it is a crock of shit that I keep on getting screwed over by average.