New York City Spring Break - Day 3






















































This joint was exactly as advertised by the 1994 movie Clerks. It's nice to see that in the 12 years since, they have made little to no improvements to the facilities to upgrade it's charm. The fact that it does look the same as in the movies was a real delight to me. If the Quick Stop looked nothing like it did in the movies, then I would have no reason to drive to New Jersey to see it.

Jenny and I spent a little time hanging out against the wall, just like Jay and Silent Bob. Jenny, with her slender figure and brash nonsensical banter, resembled the foul-mouthed Jay, while I stood next to her and spoke not a word, my nonverbals displayed from my husky figure did all of the talking, and I resembled Silent Bob. Sure, we were missing a few things, but given the right wardrobe, I think that Jenny and I could pull it off. I'd be willing to sacrifice my life so that I could don the right apparel and hang out here until the clerk puts out a restraining order against me. Convincing Jenny to do the same will be the only thing stopping this from becoming a reality.


I stood proudly outside of the store with my recently purchased Clerks t-shirt, and lived in the moment. I know I'm probably overdoing it by now, but this was to me what Graceland is to Elvis Fans. Much like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I knew that I had to be here, and that this means something. Figuring out what exactly it meant that I was here will take a lifetime of researching past and future Kevin Smith movies and analyzing them for clues about my life. As soon as I figure everything out, I'll be sure to relate that information to the general public. 

Randall worked the video store next door to the Quick Stop, but it was hardly ever open because he was always at the Quick Stop talking to his friend Dante. That is why it was so fitting that there was a closed sign in the window and business was absent. Even though there is no Shermer in Illinois, movies aren't always f-ing bullshit. Some things from the movies actually come true in real life, as seen here.

This store looks like it hasn't been in business for many years, and most likely was kept around for 3 reasons - so that Clerks fans can see it, it provides storage space for the Quick Stop and lastly because businesses aren't exactly fighting over retail space in Leonardo. Whatever the case, I'm glad it still exists for sentimental reasons.

I took one last glimpse at the Quick Stop and got into the car and drove off. I now can be that annoying friend that points and hollers "I was there!" every time that we watch Clerks or any of the Kevin Smith movies. And to think that all it took was a day trip to New Jersey... Who would've ever thought it would be possible...