TJ + Megan's Wedding in Las Vegas - Day 2



When I checked into the room last night I was just in here long enough to throw my luggage on the floor and mix myself a drink. When I got back this morning I saw a door. I thought we had a patio! Score! It was just a full size window disguised as a door. Las Vegas is bullshit man. Nothing but trickery and lies.

I had a nice time despite it being way too expensive for my wallet. I know this was a special occasion and I should lighten up about my personal finances, but I don't like to spend $12 on something that I can get for $3. I'm just selectively cheap. It's easy to do when you fall within my income bracket. I'm no Paul Stanley. I don't have anywhere close to his money. I'm not even close to this Paul Stanley. I'm no rock star. Or rock star imitator.

Everything was good. Everything was funny. Everything was also a bit fuzzy. I was sooooo drunk. And it was still morning. The effects of drinking, gambling and staying up all night was starting to get to me. It was time to get some much needed sleep. After all today was Saturday. More adventures await.














If you've never been to Las Vegas believe me when I say that things are further away than they look on the map. I knew this but my friends insisted on walking to the Hofbrauhaus. I guess it was only a mile so it's my problem. I'm not used to walking the mile. That's something Normies can do with ease. Lucky.

The Platinum Hotel does not have a casino. Luckily in Las Vegas every other hotel does. We went to the Tuscany Casino and the security guard here was the same one as at the Karaoke Bar last night. He recognized me as the Whistler (during Winds of Change). I'm such a spectacle that randoms recognize me.














All of us got here late last night but Brodey couldn't for some reason. He left the airport and arrived here wearing his suit and carrying his luggage. There's only one Brodey folks, and I was more than happy to drink a beer with him. Prost!

I got there in one piece but I was still tired. I suppose I should have gotten more than 3 hours of sleep. Screw it. Who sleeps in Vegas? To satiate my thirst, I got a giant beer even though it cost about as much as I make in an hour. I could only afford one.














I love when places take the time and effort to make something look beautiful and realistic. The front room of the Hofbrauhaus to me looks just like a German Beer Hall. I've been to ones in Milwaukee but never in Germany, so I can't confirm the authenticity. But it does look pretty sweet. The back room is set up to resemble an outdoor Biergarten, complete with trees and a ceiling painted like the sky. It was a real nice touch and the difference between rooms made them each unique. This was a really cool (although pricy) restaurant.














The best part about this place was the band. I don't know if these guys were real Germans, but they sure played like them. It reminded me of Friday night fish frys at Lakefront Brewery. Ee-i-ee-i-ee-i-oh! G-I-G-I-G-I-Joe! Doing it our way!

The waitresses (Fräuleins?) were real nice and I think they were hitting on me. It could have been worse though because there were some people that they were actually hitting. With giant wooden paddles! Just like Dazed and Confused. Oh Nein!














