Wintersplash 1.0 (page 2)


























Tim decided to Wintersplash without a coat, choosing instead to do so in a short sleeved shirt, Needless to say, he wasn't out there very long, as his feeble young body quickly succumbed to the cold. He was the unmaking of his own self, for he teased the mighty Wintersplash into thinking he was going to be there for the long run.

Looks to me like Tim is trying to get some ice out of his ear. Know how you get water in your ear after submerging your body in the water? Kinda like that, except with a solid substance with jagged edges.

If Pookon gives his "thumbs up" to the Wintersplash, it means that it is now worthy to be counted along with the significant content of this site, so now you can't hold back in your rebirth of life in the frozen waters.

I don't have to lecture you on the importance of the Eamon Swandive and its use in past and present Godsplashes, so I won't. I will however, challenge you to come up with a form that will be used in subsequent God/Wintersplashes.  

We no longer have to sit around and pout waiting for summer and the return of the Godsplash, we now have it's evil twin to keep us smitten with our own misguidings.
