Wintersplash 1.0 (page 4)



























By the look of this picture, you'd think that the Wintersplash was one scary ride. It's not that bad, for I tend to over dramatize a lot of things.

But here I lie in the snow, trying to recuperate after a night of silliness. It was actually quite soothing lying there in the calm comfort of the snow.

Here's my infamous friend Charlie Horse that I speak so highly of. He was the best of his kind, and he was with me in the good times and the bad. He will help you as he has helped me.

Posing for this picture was the icing on the cake of wet discomfort. I tried at least 3 times to get this one right, and ended up spending too much time face down in a pool of ice and water.

I've laid the groundwork in determining if Wintersplash works, and it does, so now it is your turn to make sure Wintersplash has a full and rich existence much like it's good twin Godsplash.

So here's my promise to you - come on over and Wintersplash and two things will be yours; a fun filled afternoon, and a nice hot cup of hot chocolate. So watch the skies for the next snowfall, cause if it's there, so are we.
