Wintersplash 2.0 (page 3)


































Once again, we tried out the speedbump, and it produced bogus results. For some reason, Uncle Bob felt like throwing Tim off rather than accompanying him to the pasture of green on the other side. Maybe he was confused about the whole plan, it's not his fault, after all, it was his first time. The results of Wintersplash speedbumps one and two can be seen by clicking on the respective links for each number.

This is the final result after the trial run of Magic Carpet Ride and "A Whole New World". Click to see the grisly scene that became one of Wintersplash's funniest moments.

The Eamon Swandive has made an appearance in every God/Wintersplash since its birth in Godsplash 4.0, but never has it been replicated by the creator himself in such a grand fashion. It's about time he showed up to teach us the true way to ride.

Old things have a habit of coming back again to haunt us, and so was the case of the crash helmet. It had lie dormant in the garage for far too long, and it needed someone.


The crash helmet suffered from a dysfunctional abstinence of social interaction. It grew worried and tense, grabbed a hold of Tim's head, and would not let go. Eamon tried pry the helmet off with a pick axe, but that helmet did not want to move. Tim decided on entering a symbiotic relationship with it that would benefit them both greatly.

Tim provides the helmet with much needed friendship, and the helmet provides Tim with protection from irreversible brain damage. Those two work so well together, it's almost scary.
