Wintersplash 3.0 (Page 4)

































I don't mean any harm in these comments, but when Tim jumps, he looks like a dolphin. Danny, on the other hand, looks like a chipmunk. In a way, we're all animals when it comes to Wintersplashing.


Tim took one of the worst falls in the short God/Wintersplash history on this one. While attempting to once again cling to the fence, he swung up and on top of it, stranding himself on the top bar like a beached whale. He then lay in the snow for countless minutes, his mind undoubtedly replaying the harrowing events of what had just happened over and over again like a bad movie that wouldn't end.

By viewing this picture you might think otherwise, but Tim is actually gliding on top of the tube. We built a small jump, an the early tests of it saw Tim blaze right through it.

Danny is hard at work fixing a jump that will not only please the God of the Splash, but the Winter of the Splash as well. What?

In these next 4 pictures, Tim and Danny take turns trying out, blazing through, or gliding over the jump. The snow on the ground was fresh and powdery, allowing for these spectacular action shots.
