Wintersplash 4.0 (Page 1)






























Pre-Wintersplash pictures, kind of like cast photos. Imagine a peppy theme song playing, then an announcer starts saying, "An now, the stars of Wintersplash 4.0 - Danny Evans, and Tim + Scott Reck!" Unimaginable uproarious applause ensues, making it difficult to continue the show for a few minutes. It dies down, and Wintersplashing begins.






Danny was unaware of the fact that his picture was just taken, and as surprised as he is, I'm glad that it didn't affect him that much, for that would be sad.

The first few runs were entitled 'where's the wintersplash?' for one reason only: we couldn't find it. We had left the banners out on the lawn since the last time, and the snow had covered it up, making the run that much more difficult.

I don't know why, call it comedic timing, but Tim figured pouring snow on his head would be good for a laugh. I'm going to step aside on this one and let you be the judge.

We built up a little ramp that would culminate on the end of the run, hopefully propelling oneself over the fence at the end, but as Tim found out, it did not work as planned.

Danny tried to one-up Tim, by overcoming the impossible - successfully passing over the fence and into the land of pure imagination. I'm not talking Willy Wonka here, that's on a whole new level that none other than Gene Wilder can attain, believe me, I've tried. Those Oompa Loompas can be a bit tricky to boss around. Midget's with attitude are the second worse thing in the world, next to well, think of something, 'cause I'm fresh out of ideas.
