Extreme Ice-Carting with Ryan Spiering





Now I don't quite know how this idea went from the imagination stage to actuality, but it was a grand idea that rivaled even the fabled Godsplash. There's this cart at UWM in the Union where I work, that I use to push the ice around in, and it's got four wheels and handles, that I often ride on through the hallways. This cart has extreme mobility, and is fun as hell to ride. At UWM there is this bridge that crosses Maryland Ave., and the bridge has a good downward slope. Using our college intuition, we put the two together to create Extreme Ice Carting, the most wicked cool thing to hit the streets since those Jackass guys rode grocery carts.













The view from about midway down the hill. From here on down, if gravity didn't throw you off, the bumps in the pavement, curvature of the hill, not to mention the passing students who might unfortunately get side-swiped by a raging ice cart.

Ryan, standing at the top of the hill, about to embark on the Ice-Cart's maiden voyage. The three greatest things about Extreme Ice-Carting are 1. it's fun, 2. it's dangerous, + 3.) we got paid to do it. Why clock out when you can take full advantage of company time and money?



Ryan, milliseconds away from hitting me as I jumped up on the railing, ensuring my longevity of life and the assurance that this website would go on.






Ryan, barreling down the hill at full speed, with all previous traces of rationality stricken from his mind. Hey, that's what working at the Union will do to ya.



If flying down the hill on nothing but a small cart wasn't extreme enough, try doing tricks.










