Afterglow 2014 - Day 5 Wednesday




Rage shades are all the uh... rage these days, and Kevin, Brandon and I sported them to show the World that we were ready for it. It doesn't matter that the inflatable parrot didn't know what he was getting into or that the Carla Rossi was all gone; nothing mattered right now. Time has a way of standing still up here. That above all, is the most magnificent thing about this place. When you are here, nothing else seems to matter.
After we got to shore we decided to play topless ping pong using anything as a paddle with our drinks in play on the table. BK and Brandon got actual ping pong paddles, but Kevin used the inflatable parrot and I had this book called "The Ladies Farm". This ended up being as ridiculous as it sounds. I could talk about what happened, but truth be told, I don't really know. It was a total mess.



















Stacy and Jenny joined us on the table and I stepped out to read and tweet a couple of passages from "The Ladies Farm" (the book I was using as a paddle). Since I don't have anything else to say about what is going on in these pictures, here are the random lines I pulled from this book. "It doesn't work, she thought, pulling in her stomach as she studied her reflection in the full-length mirror." "They were sitting in the canoe near the far bank of the river, where they had paddled to get away from Barbara." "He laughed. You're all the same. All that sympathy crap. Look, you don't know a thing about me or my life." "The next morning, the guests snapped up the lemon and ginger enhanced muffins and Barbara gave Della a thumbs up." "The T-Bird, except for its crunched in middle, still gleamed in the sun." "Rita was pacing the porch when they pulled up. "I feel like a misbehaving teenager. Am I grounded?"" Try and figure that shit out.































There's a lot of liquid on the table from spilled drinks. The drinks are in play. If you hit a drink, it counts. This might have been a bigger deal if someone was keeping score. But there are no winners or losers at Afterglow. We all win. That's Burt's Rules. 

This was not a very safe game. When you mix alcohol and activities, you are bound to have some injuries. Someone on the other side of the table hit a ball so hard that it hit BK in the tummy and made a mark. This is him showing off that injury.









Living in the moment is the only way to exist. Why labor over decisions made in the past or worry about the future? You can't change the past and the future hasn't happened yet, so just live for today. That's what Afterglow is all about. I try to explain how incredibly amazing this place is and what it does to you, but you really just have to go there to understand. I hope you all get there some day.




This is nonsense at its' finest. I understand that with the exception of Stacy, we're all fairly inebriated, but we were having the best of times in these pictures. The smiles on our faces should clearly indicate that. This is Afterglow in a nutshell. This would have happened if we were drunk. We just have so much fun hanging out with each other every hour of every day. That makes this place so special.













After ping pong, we moved on to other things. Thankfully at Afterglow, there is always something to do. Some people take that time to play foosball and some take that time to drink and get intimate with an inflatable parrot. To each their own. I guess.