Afterglow 2015 - Day 5 Wednesday




All good days are made great with a gathering by the fire pit outside of the lodge. Tonight we had a a very lively and enthusiastic crowd who were ready to rock with us. So Kevin busted out his guitar and entertained the crowd. I'm sure I managed to get involved in some fashion, but I don't normally get myself caught up in this mess. I leave the music to the real musicians. From the looks on the faces of All God's Critters that were in attendance, it looks like we were doing something right. That's kind of what we were going for.














We were playing Cousin Poker in Cabin #5 tonight, but for some reason I didn't throw my hat in the ring. Although I do like playing games with my cousins, I don't always have the patience required to succeed at this game. So instead I sat in the corner eating, drinking and tweeting out silly musings. In that game, no one loses (except the people who follow me on twitter that have no context for these random sayings). Fun was had by all, nonsense was tossed around the room and another day at Afterglow came to an end.

Someone really enjoys fire. I'd let you know who that is, but I think it's painfully obvious. I spelled it out in the pictures below like I was a god damn Sesame Street character. Look at the excitement on that Muppet's face. What a weirdo. But to each their own.











































"The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor. And the highwayman came riding, riding, riding. The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door." These are a few lines from the poem "The Highwaymen" from Alfred Noyes. I only know this poem because while I was recording our campfire gig one year, my Mom recited these lines while we were in between songs. I never took the time to read the entire poem until now. It's kind of messed up. But so are a lot of things in life.




















Brian and Stacy had a different idea when they saw the moon. They didn't recite a morose poem (seriously - did you read it? I provided the link above in grey text. It's a great poem, but definitely won't leave you with happy feelings as you lay down to sleep tonight).  Instead they chose to befriend the man in the moon and bask in his light. This leads to some happier times. I'll allow it because there has to be a balance in life.