Afterglow 2016 - Day 2 Sunday



Boats are synonymous with Afterglow. For the lay person out there, that means it is having the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language. I know that you didn't come here for a scholarly lesson, but you're welcome. And also you owe me a semester's worth of tuition. Curtis and Rick went out fishing while BK and AS went out for a ride. This happened. Or did it?
Curtis and Rick were out fishing again. Earlier today they were doing it from the boat and now they were doing it off of the dock. I wonder if they ever catch anything worth eating. I'd like to try and grill some fish some day and see if I'm any good at that. Do you grill fish? Or do you just fry it (deep or pan), broil it or sauté it? I suppose that I could try (most likely with disastrous results).

This is an average day up here. There's guys taking selfies, guys out on the HD, kids out in the water and old guys with shark noodles. Back home this sort of thing may seem weird. Back home the people don't have an explanation for this sort of thing. Back home they call us names and judge us. But we aren't back home. We're in a place exempt of of those things. We're at Afterglow where it all makes sense. 













While all of the cousins contemplated immersing themselves into the waters of Lake Afterglow, Beege did the most sensible thing and escaped into the adventures and mysteries of a good old fashioned book. Adventure? Excitement? A Jedi craves not these things. But Beege is no Jedi. No. He's something else entirely. One that embraces anger and fear that lies within the literary novel.
Every day at Afterglow eventually leads to the lake. It is the eventuality that is consistent across multiple timelines and across an infinite number of Universes. For whatever that means. I try not to think that hard while I'm up here. Instead I grab a drink, snuggle up to Cousin Kevin and just go with the flow. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters, right?
















Kevin is one of those adventurous types. That is if you consider adventurous to be one who does flips and dives off of the low and high dive boards. You might argue that almost every one is willing to do this. But I'll say that I don't know everyone. I just know Kevin.




























Today was a beautiful day. It was so beautiful, that I was willing to allow every person up here to spend it in the way that they wished. For some it was doing flips and dives off of the raft. For others it was sitting on the dock reading a good book. And for another it was taking pictures of the sky, trees, lake and the other scenery that lay before them. And every person was satisfied with what they chose. 

































Just another lazy Sunday. It didn't matter if we were on the beach, in the water or on the water. Laziness was running rampant. But why not? You can be lazy and still rage. In fact, sometimes to truly understand the rage you need to have a certain degree of laziness. So the next time some accuses you of being a lazy bag of bones, just tell them that you are trying to figure out the meaning of rage. 














I have no way of telling when the ring game was installed on the beach and by the horseshoe pit. Actually, I probably could scour through the last couple of years, but I'm not going to. That's because I don't really want to know how long this game has been a frustrating and infuriating part of my maniacally fueled existence. But still I'll sit and play and try and get the ring on a string onto the hook. And so will Kevin. Or we'll die trying. I wish I could be chill about it like my Chewbacca towel. He's cold maxin' and relaxin' with aviators on like he doesn't have a care in the World. One should be so lucky to feel that way. I wouldn't know.














It was just Mom and I in Cabin #2 until Jenny would be here later in the week, so dinner was a little light tonight. I threw on some corn on the cob and some burgers, but the fire was way too hot and ended up cooking the burgers a little too well done. I can make steaks, brats, pork chops and other kinds of meat on the grill with ease. But I haven't mastered burgers yet. I'll have to keep working on that.