Brewers vs. Nationals in Washington D.C. - Pittsburgh



Kevin has spent a good amount of time in his life working under bridges. Like an architect you ask? Yeah, it's something like that. But he was not working today, for today he was on vacation. If anything he was working it. Like a homeless fashion model. He stood amongst the trash and graffiti like a runway model showing off the new items from the Derelicte collection. He he did Zoolander one better because he could turn left.













I've traveled a good amount for someone my age, but I still wouldn't consider myself very worldly or well versed in different cultures. Hell, I don't even understand American culture and I live here. Like how this crap passes for art and is allowed to sit along the riverbanks and distract from the natural art (the river) and the structural art (those bridges). The creator obviously thought that it was beautiful, as did the city leaders who gave them the go ahead to put it here. I may be showing my narrow mindedness, but I just don't get it. I don't understand what passes for art.















But I do understand what passes for awesome and crude at the same time. This topless woman was really enjoying (by showing her orgasm face) the fact that Kevin was shitting in her bucket. I mean she was really loving it. I thought that was messed up, but then Kevin grabbed this naked man's member and he loved it even more! I'm not a prude in any way (in fact I encourage nudity from men and women alike) but I don't see why it was necessary to have these naked people on this stone wall. It served no purpose except for our amusement.














I'll be honest with you, I really only spent an hour in Pittsburgh. But I like what I saw. I have surprisingly heard a lot of negative things about this town, and I don't see where they come from. Pittsburgh seems to be a great place, and I hope that I make it back here soon.

The statues were surveying something. Yeah, surveying my ass. At the time I figured that I would bend over and take it up the tailpipe with these dudes behind me, but in the end it just looks ridiculous. But I was going on little to no sleep. Give me a friggin' break people.














I previously mentioned how much driving through the Midwest sucks. And I'm not alone on this one; Kevin hates it too. Which is why we were both relieved to see the rolling hills and luscious forests that surround the Appalachian Mountains. We were also driving along one of the many rivers in the area, which only added to the scenery. I don't know why I've heard people badmouth Pittsburgh. I liked it. But maybe I didn't spend enough time there to flesh out my opinion. I was only here for an hour. But it was a good hour, one that I will remember at least for a little bit.


























These mountains were here long before people were. When people arrived and eventually wanted to travel via paved roads, they had three choices - go around them, go over them or through them. Since the mountain chain goes from Alabama to the island of Newfoundland in Canada, going around them is out of the question. Sometimes you can go over them, but a lot of times it is just easier to dig a tunnel right through them. These tunnels are pretty small and as you can see in the picture on the left, they are just tall enough for modern day trucks to drive through them. But the truck on the right wasn't going anywhere. It was at a truck stop somewhere in Pennsylvania. The only reason why I found it humorous and picture worthy was that my best friend is Mike Bates, and I can't see him being affiliated with a casket company. Stranger things have happened...