Brewers vs. Nationals in Washington D.C. - Game 1




I chose this hotel because it was affordable, within a mile to the train station and because we wouldn't be spending a lot of time there. We got there around 3 pm, which gave us some time to unwind from the car ride, smoke some cigars and drink some booze. Kevin drove the whole way from Wisconsin, so he deserved a little down time.














The main reason that we took the train was so that we could drink and not have to drive. The other reason was that there was virtually no parking around Nationals Park and the train was the best way to transport yourself to the game. We had a great time on the train.

We actually had to take 2 trains to get to the ballpark, but it was really easy because there is a main station where like 4 train lines converge. We still had to get off the train, go up some stairs then walk over to the other train, but it was worth it. It was better than drinking and driving.














I don't think Washington D.C. was ready for The Revolution. Tough. It was going to get it anyway. Even with all the military "intelligence" that they have in this town, they didn't see it coming and had no way of stopping it. Our government hard at work ladies and gentlemen.

Every stadium has some unique features, which is one of the reasons why I enjoy traveling around the country and visiting these ballparks. Nationals Park pays tribute to America's great leaders by having giant bobbleheads of them. Our forefathers would be proud.

















So we did what any patriotic, respectful, good willed American citizen would do by paying tribute to the great men who created this good country -   we put sombreros on their heads, picked their noses and strangled the shit out of them. We were just doing our civic duty. I hate to say it, but these assholes had it coming to them. How dare they write down laws like the ones found on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and go ahead and die, not living long enough to make sure people centuries later would follow them. You can't trust the generations who follow you to uphold the rules and principles that govern this great Nation! If you want something done right, damn it, you have to do it yourselves.








After a couple more hours of driving and running over a filthy little marmot in Maryland, we made it to our seedy motel in Alexandria, Virginia. It was pretty cheap, but you get what you pay for at these kinds of places. We figured they had paper thin walls, so Kevin listened with a glass yelling, "Get her! Get her!" But no one got her.