Leaving CA, Entering AZ

This family threw a McDonald's cup out the window, so I took a picture of them to send to the CA highway patrol. If you are them, arrest these littering bastards.
This is the $700 bear, or something like that. That's how much it costs. It belongs to my Dad's cousin, who we stayed with and used to operate a shop in Colorado, but retired and moved to Phoenix. It scared the stuff outta Tim and me. We slept in the room with it, and were afraid that it would bite us during the night. It gave us a sample when it bit Tim. Trust me, after that we stayed on the opposite side of the room.


Tim took this picture. This is what I like to call a silly picture. Everything between the borders is silly, and therefore should not be viewed by anyone who lacks a sense of humor.


Once again cool clouds. I got this crazy obsession with this stuff. I'd create an entire page devoted to them, but that would be a waste of my time and yours.


Around sunset, the sun was casting this weird glow on the mountains. I believe we were in Arizona at this time. Either that or Maine... I can't remember which...



















Sunset over beautiful Arizona. What more can be said about this picture? Believe me if I knew, I would transcribe it in this here space provided for such. A picture says a  thousand words, but I can't even wrote a few words to tell you that. I guess they were right. If you know who "they" are, can you please tell them I said "they" are right?






