Camping with Dad

It's amazing what you can find when you are able to see it. I went looking for firewood during the day time and I found tons of it. Big branches, small branches, logs, kindling - all of nature's flammable resources were at my disposal. I found enough wood to get a rip-roaring fire going. It's too bad I couldn't get it all the night before. I guess if I did that then I never would have fallen asleep. Things always seem to work out in the end.

James came up to meet us so that he could discuss some issues with Dad, particularly quitting his electrician apprenticeship and going back to school to pursue a degree in Business. While we talked, I gathered wood and James helped me to break it down and get the fire going. I was busy getting firewood, so I really didn't catch much of the conversation. I guess it was for the better because fire is really cool. I really really like fire.

This is me looking for broken and dead branches in the woods. Natural selection has eliminated these branches from survival, so it was up to me to send them on their way.

Look what I have created! I have made fire! This is spectaculaaaaar. My fire was super awesome. Look into the fiery depths and be mesmerized by my doings.

For some reason that I probably will never understand, James decided to stand on my car. I tried to stop him, but well, he's stronger and faster than I am. So he stood high and mighty on my car and mocked me from above.

Now that everything was all packed up, we were free to go about our merry ways. We relaxed, played guitar, swam in the lake, and even figured a couple of things out. Only one question remained - why didn't I do this sooner?
