Camping with Dad

Dad woke up much earlier than I did, because the kids across the way were up at the crack of dawn and causing a ruckus. I can sleep through pretty much anything, so I really didn't mind. Eventually, I awoke rather disoriented. There truly is no feeling like waking up after spending the night sleeping on the ground.

After a bit of breakfast, we decided to play a little guitar. It's been a while since I've heard my Dad play, so I just sat back and listened to him play some of his favorite songs. I took over and showed him some of the things that I have learned since I have begun my studies. He was impressed, but I definitely could use more practice.

Today, Sunday, was a little colder than yesterday, so swimming was out of the question. But we still wanted to go down to the beach and check it out. When we got there we had found that a mist had begun to roll out from the North and come towards us and the surrounding landscape. Since it had no malicious intent, we really didn't mind at all.

There was this cool boardwalk that led down to the beach for people who were unable to walk down the steep slope of the sand dunes. Either that or it is there just to look cool. To tell the truth, I don't care why it is there, I only cared that it was because it gave me something to photograph. I like being able to take pictures of things.
