Afterglow 2008 - Day 5 Wednesday







When my family was living out in California, Jenny and I would play Literati (the Yahoo rip-off of Scrabble) several times a week. Since it was online, you had the benefit of a dictionary and online scoring. I am incapable of playing live Scrabble, but thankfully Jenny and Stacy are smart enough to figure out how it works.

Now that I got my unorthodox Mother Nature crush out of the way, I can now talk about Kevin doing his impersonation of Brian sitting out on the high dive board. The spot that Kevin is currently occupying is normally reserved for his life partner, but Kevin did the honorable thing by keeping the spot warm until Brian returned.


Day 5 started just like every other day starts for me up here - wake up on the couch, open the curtains, grab a beer or a drink, and wait for someone to wake up so that I have a drinking buddy. On Day 5, Jenny was that drinking buddy. The booze always tastes better when you're not drinking it alone. But it's still good alone.












Wednesday was a moderately good day - nice and warm, but we could have done with a little more sunlight. Mother Nature really wasn't helping us work on our sweet tans. That old dame really puts a damper on some days, but she comes through when you really need it. Plus she's hot. I mean it. Real hot. Smokin' hot.













Faith promised her Mom that she would jump off he high dive, so to help motivate her, Janelle went up top to show her how easy it was. This method as had its successes and failures in the past, but I'll give her an A for effort. Faith eventually jumped off, and made me proud of her for one more thing. That kid is something special.














The bunk beds in the closet room are barely big enough for a normal sized person to sleep in. A big oaf like me would overflow the sides of the bed for sure. You could imagine how uncomfortable it would be for 2 dudes to occupy that small space. But when those two dudes are Timmy and Kevin, you know they can make it work.










Faith came back in to the beach, and since the sun was hiding behind the clouds, she had to cuddle beneath her towel for warmth. Since she is a small person, her body cannot generate the appropriate amount of heat that she needs to stay warm, so she counts on external sources like the sun for power. In a way, she's kind of like Superman. Well, except for the super strength, being faster than a speeding bullet, the power of flight, x-ray and heat vision, impenetrable skin and super cold breath. Wait, Faith is nothing like Superman. What the heck am I thinking.