Green Bay - January 2004 (3)



































Well, it was about 3:00, and it was time for the games to end and the tour to begin. That was fine for me, because I started to run out of money. That was the whole reason why we were there anyway, so I figured, why the hell not? My day would soon be complete.

This is our tour guide. His name slips my mind now, but he did give us a kickass tour. He presented us with an interesting equation; entertainment + information = fun. Now that's what I call the principle of addition.

We got to sit up in one of the luxury suites high above the "frozen tundra", sheltered from the cold in the balmy environment. I wouldn't mind seeing a football game up in there, but give me a cold bench next to 60,000 fans instead. Now that's football. We chilled in there for a minute, and this little kid (you can see him screwing around in the right picture) was going crazy and acting a fool. I'm glad that he did, because that's what little kids are supposed to do. Plus it gave me and Dan something to laugh about. What a crazy little guy.

I think that I got lost during this part of the tour, or maybe I wasn't listening, because I don't remember O.J. Simpson playing for the Packers. Maybe they just put his picture on the wall because he was fantastic in the Naked Gun movies. He had me convinced that he was a police officer. But the tour guide did point out that it was Wille Davis, a defensive end for the Packers from 1960-1969. Man, they had me fooled.

We took an elevator from the 3rd floor down to the basement, and walked inside the belly of the beast. We walked past the locker rooms, and they said that we couldn't go in there. Dan wanted to sneak a peak through the crack in the door, but they wouldn't let him. Too bad. Looks like he'll just have to try out for the team to get in the locker room. We then walked through the tunnel that past and present players walk have walked through every single game. They even had this cool sign on the wall, which Dan just had to kiss.

So here we are, inside of the tunnel. I wanted to run through it, and straight out onto the field. I went so far as to ask the tour guide if they would let me do it, and they obviously said no. I didn't want that old guy to have to chase after me and tackle me and wait for the police. I figured since they were so nice to us, why put them through all that trouble? So a picture of us pointing was the best that I could do.












