Afterglow 2010 - Day 2 Sunday




We decided to get our family picture out of the way early while Eddie was still here. Like it or not, he's family as much as my Dad's wife is, so he belongs in the picture. True we weren't in our Sunday best (I was still in my PJ's), but at least we're all (kind of) here together.

The reason that I say that we're kind of all here is because we were missing James and Melissa, who couldn't make it this year due to finances and vacation time used for their wedding back in May. Eddie tried to make up for them, but no offense, it just wasn't enough.












The Revolution originally belonged to Uncle Greg and his minions, but it has gained notoriety and followers, and others have started to join it. There are a few stragglers (I'm looking at you Maria - the mooshu!) but sooner or later all will join and the Revolution will take over.

One person cannot occupy the void left by two missing persons. Well big people like me certainly can try, but we only fill the physical space and not the mental and emotional spaces. Oh well, there's always a chance that they could come back next year and the family will be complete again. But until that happens we just had to be content with Eddie's presence, and trust me, Tim and I were more than happy that he decided to spend some time with us up here. In fact, we showed our approval with the universal symbol for good times - the thumbs up.














We tried to convince Eddie to stick around a little bit longer. He wanted to drive back while it was still light out. That I could understand because it's a daunting task to drive 5 hours on a motorcycle in the light, let alone in the darkness. But Tim and I were telling him to call in sick to work tomorrow and stay an extra night, but he wasn't buying what we were selling. I even offered to speak to his boss personally if he was afraid to, but in the end he took off on his motorcycle and Eddie's time at Afterglow was ended. Maybe next year (should he choose to join us) he will stay longer. "I hope so!"
















But the Revolution will go on, with or without Eddie. The Revolution has been going strong for well over 2 years now, and like a rolling boulder that has gathered momentum (nut no moss!) it just cannot be stopped. It's science. That asshole Newton came up with that S.















Although I can't be certain, I would like to assume that I took this pictures. I only figure that because I'm not out there with my family. But I'd be willing to bet a Buffalo Nickel that they were my Mom's pics, so I will venture a guess and say that I was passed out on the side of the road. Regardless of if I was alive and taking pictures or dead like roadkill, the kids were having fun out on the raft and Kevin was perfecting his backflip off of the LD. I don't like to get ahead of myself, but he would need those moves when his life was on the line on Wednesday afternoon.













Someone on the beach was instructing the HDers to start the Revolution, and as written in the sacred scrolls, they had to oblige. To ignore the Revolution is to ignore the very reason you exist.

Uncle Rick is a majestic beast. He may not get as much love from us as his younger brother Greg, but Rick has his moments. Plus he has a signature laugh, which is something that separates him from the pack.





