Pookon's Lost Archives

Me and Timmy at Lake Michigan (2)



























I found the porthole on the boat and proceeded to jump ship. I abandoned my fellow shipmates to pursue a life other than the one found aboard the S.S. Beachboat. I happily embraced the dry ground below my feet.

There's the dog. She was afraid to be inside of the boat structure, but we made her go in there anyway. I think she was afraid of the little porthole entry ways, and the claustrophobic environment inside. 

Tim found this springy-dolphin ride, and decided to try it out. He was rocking back and forth with more velocity than one of those acoustic kids.

Incidents sometimes go awry when they are handled in a way other than intended. The springy-dolphin thing wasn't meant to propel the body of a 16-year-old, so Tim hit the ground face-first. I did warn him that his actions may lead to an unprecedented display of irrational tendencies.

I couldn't let Tim have all of the fun. I was out to prove the age old theory of a penny saved is a penny earned. No, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Yeah that's it. It is true, because I went down like a ton of concrete. Thanks to modern technology, we are blessed with a picture of me in mid-air, proving that yes, humans can fly.









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