Pookon's Lost Archives




Chicago Airport with Rich



































I have no idea why I took a picture of this phone. I can't even place a guess. I'll leave it at that.

If you've been to my website before, then you'd know how much I like reflections. I thought that this one would be nice. I'm inside of the train thing that takes you to the parking lot.







One thing that I always must do in airports is the "holla" pose. Denver couldn't get enough of it, and asked me to come back someday and wow their little city again. Chicago was fortunate to have me this time around, and their little ol' airport will never be the same.  Rich was unimpressed, all he wanted to do was go back home. He didn't enjoy me taking random pictures of him either.

I was just a little bit too excited here, as airports always make me go crazy from exposure to too much boredom. That is the worst thing you can ever do to me - give me too much time with too little to do. So I knelt on the wet pavement underneath that yellow structure, and reflected on memories past with my buddy Rich.

What a grand example of modern architecture. Which is exactly why I needed to set my camera on a yellow post, set the self-timer, then run as fast as I could to the center of the frame and into the hearts of all the little children.

The mission was a success. Rich and I got the luggage, we had a good time, and we even stopped for dinner at a place Rich used to eat at when he used to travel more often. He told me that they had good shakes, and he sure was right.

I couldn't have asked for a better time with a better person. Rich and I enjoyed our time together, and I now know who to take with me on a road trip. As long as Rich is paying (and driving), I'd go anywhere with him, even the moon. Thank you Rich, and have a pleasant day.




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