Minnesota, Mike Bates, Jenny, + Me

























This was a pretty cool spot. From this bridge that went over this main street, connecting campus buildings, you could see downtown. My camera was eerily teetering on the  railing of this bridge, ready to tumble at the softest gust of wind.

So we continued the campus tour, taking some ill pictures along the way. To tell you the truth, I don't remember a word of what the tour guide said, I was too busy doing things like this. 

Self-timer - greatest invention since Velcro. This biker passerby was like "huh?" I guess he didn't realize that he soon would be immortalized on this blessed site.

My other favorite kind of picture. These ones always look silly. I don't think there is a way to make these ones look normal.



I love these ones too, cause reflections offer us a glimpse into the alternate universe. Are those people shining back at us our reflections, or are we just the mirror images of their lives? Kinda trips your mind out if you think about it too much. 

Mike was obviously surprised to see a flashing light shining in his eye. The thing that I don't understand is that they let him be a tour guide. No offense to the lad, I love him, always have, but every other word out of his mouth is gibberish or a reverberating laugh.
