Tim's Graduation Party

There was a strong turnout, with mostly family members and friends (what, you expected celebrities and musicians, and even Omaha? [inside joke]) The Mueller family was out to support our Tim, much as they have for his entire life. They owe us anyway, we've been supporting them for years.

Steve Bates, Cathy Wilhelm, and Bernie Bates; three people who have been instrumental in every life that they have touched. How's that for a generalized comment?  We were certainly excited that all three were able to make it out for this momentous occasion.

The day was divided into three parts - party, June's Blanket, and Godsplash. All three intertwined with each other, and I had to separate them into different pages. That is why my outfit changes during the course of these pictures. These two (and the rest of the pictures here) took place after the June's Blanket concert and the Godsplash, so we were winding down. After working our bodies out, we (the kids) found it necessary to replenish ourselves with some fantastic party food. On the left, Chad and I consume the last two remaining hotdogs of the evening. Boy were they delicious. On the right, Eamon and Paul consume some yummy deserts, and all was well in the house of the Reck's.

Steve, Cathy, and Bernie continue their conversation, but move towards the tent and pick up an interesting conversation stimulus in "Big P" Pete Wilhelm. Rain tried to bring them down, but these are 4 people that never let a little bit of rain ruin their parade (or afternoon if you will.) 

This is Rich. Rich is kind of like my brother. He's been with me through the good (Chicago Airport with Rich) and the bad (The Evans' Get Furnitured). He wasn't really there, but it was his house that got furnitured. Plus he did Godsplash. All those puts Rich at #1 in my book.
