Rage for Timmy III - The Bee's Knees - Day 2



One of the best things about Afterglow in April, July, September or October is that you make it what you want it to be. The possibilities are endless. If you want a calm relaxing weekend then you can just stay in the cabin and rest. If you want to have a balls to the walls until the wheels fall off rager then you can certainly do that as well. This trip was kind of in between. Jenny and I definitely raged last night and tonight we were going to eat dinner, play some board games and hang with the adults. There's many different ways to rage.

Family picture time is always very important and this time around it was made even more special by the backdrop that no studio photographer could replicate. Every one got their opportunity to stand next to the people that they loved and capture this moment. Words cannot express how lucky I am to have them in my life and that they were able to spend this weekend with me.














Jenny and I have had a lot of adventures with each other in our lives but we are still struggling with how to have them without Timmy. We were the best trio in the world and to be up here with him is the only way we feel close to being a trio again.







































Eddie was hard at work cracking rocks in half using a stone-age technique that worked then and works now. He had a reason for using old methods and I'm not one to question the master.

I'm fortunate that my body mass is so great that I don't feel cold like the normal people do. While it prevents me from shopping for clothes at Kohl's or Target and getting dates with attractive women, it does have certain benefits. Like being able to swim in Northern Wisconsin in September without succumbing to hypothermia or... well that's about it. There's no real benefit to being fat. Because of TV sitcoms people assume that you're funny and I've been fortunate to live up to that but I'd trade it all away just to know what it was like to be normal sized. Even though the obesity rate is rising we're still outnumbered. But they day will come when we start the revolution.

The time had come for me to get in my daily regimen of swimming lest I fail on my promise to adhere to the pact. The conditions weren't optimal for a dip in the lake, but when are they except for July? I wasn't going to let the cold stop me. Nothing could stop me. 

You might recall that Aunt Rose gave one of these Timmy Afterglow collages to Pete and Gail when we came up here in July. Even though I knew they appreciated this gesture and they would treasure it for all time, it still was great to see it on display in the lodge. Timmy loved Afterglow as much as anyone I've ever known, so it is only fitting that everyone else see him as he was with this very important message.





























I don't know why I was inside right know when the outside is so beautiful and alluring. I'll be the first to admit that I'm an idiot who makes all the wrong decisions. Sure there's the weather thing, but wouldn't you rather spend the evening outside?

Jenny decided to spend her evening time catching up with the rest of the world that we had left behind. While I do my best to stay off of my phone when I'm here I'll admit I have become a slave to this beast. I wish just once we could escape from it.














I'm proud of myself for recognizing the error of my ways. Inside is no place for a man like me. I'm too big for confined spaces. I needed the vast openness of the outdoors  to feel alive.