Afterglow 2006 - Day 1






This is Faith. She is Janelle's (James' girlfriend's) daughter, and she was having fun during his first year at Afterglow. We must have let her have too much kool-aid, because there's nothing else that can explain why she's making this goofy looking face.










Our cabin always turns into the happenin' place to be and kids, like Brian, can always be found hanging out in here. I don't know how this happened, but I guess our cabin is just better than all the rest.


Jenny and I attack the chips and make them wish that they had remained unpurchased on the store shelf. These Cooler Ranch Doritos pack enough punch to rock our taste buds until dinner time.











James was doing his best impression of the Two-Fisted Slobber, + Tim was doing his best impression as that guy in the background who ruins of all of your vacation photos. I may be wrong, but I am right by stating that both of them are having a great time here at Afterglow.


Tim was quietly restringing his guitar in preparation for the nightly campfire when I took this picture. For some reason, he looks awfully young here. It must be because his big brown eyes still possess youthful innocence that has yet to be corrupted by the evil world.








Tim has surpassed Mom talent-wise, but he still takes the time to play along with her on many of the songs that she once taught him. After all, his musical talent and love were given to him from his Mom. It's the least that he could do.







Mark and Brian may not be able to ask for anything more than a night like tonight. Sure, it's always better when there are fireworks involved, but this is pretty much as good as it gets. Someday they'll realize just how important this Afterglow vacation is in their lives.





















Jenny and Mark enjoy one of Afterglow's greatest traditions - the nightly campfire. I can't imagine that any other week has it this good. I'd like to see one of the other weeks boast that they have an up and coming rock star play a few free shows in their week.

The night always ends, but how it ends is always a mystery. Will I get too tired and no longer be able to stay awake or will I simply pass out from a day of swimming, goofing around and drinking. More often than not I pass out because unlike rum and coke, alcohol and exhaustion don't mix well. Every night I go to bed on the pull out couch with my only comfort being the knowledge that tomorrow is another fun-filled day here at Afterglow. If there was anything that I didn't get a chance to do today, I can relax and know that I still have 6 more days to accomplish all of my Afterglow goals. And if I didn't do everything that I set out to do, it's ok because I still got to take a week off of work to drink and hang out with my family. We've been coming up here for around 15 years now, and I still can't imagine a better vacation destination. I've been all over this country, and there's no place in the USA quite like Afterglow Lake.