Afterglow 2015 - Day 6 Thursday





Awards and video night was lightly attended (this isn't the event that it used to be) but Mom & Me proudly stood in front of the Afterglow faithful to accept our ribbons for Horseshoe Champions. You can say what you want about the lack of teams that participated, but 1st is 1st. And I'll gladly take it. I've never been much of a winner in life, so when someone presents me with something that says #1 on it, I'm grabbing hold of it and never letting go. Aside from that, I know we all enjoyed this celebration of our week.




















We were all gathered together at the same time, so the Moms insisted that we get a Cousin picture. Do we look like the type of kids who would disappoint their Mothers? Wait - don't answer that question. But we were more than willing to "pose" (I use that term lightly because this is what we would be doing if there weren't any cameras) because we really like each other.



















Kevin's cousin Nate crashed our picture, but it was OK because Nate is awesome. But apparently this opened the door for the remainder of the kids on the beach to jump in and make this a thing. And why not? We love kids because we are kids. Uncle Rick says that you are still a kid until you have kids of your own. If that is the case, then I'll be a kid forever! So c'mon kids! Let's party!











Our family picture has certainly changed over the years. This year the family was just Me, Jenny and Mom and there was plenty of room in Cabin #2. But that didn't mean there was any shortage of nonsense. If anything, Jenny and I were more ridiculous to make up for those who couldn't make it this year.
The McKissick Family was also light on the numbers but Cabin #1 was stocked to the top shelf with kids, adults and all sorts of yahoos and wahoos. I can't speak for them, but as someone who lives across from that bed and breakfast for a week, I enjoy watching the people come and go throughout the week.










I can just sit and stare out at the lake. I do it quite often. Tonight I found some other kids willing to share in this moment as the clouds were turning pink as the sun was setting on yet another perfect day up here. There just really is no place in the World like this.









As I was taking pictures of the beauty of the setting sun lighting up the clouds over the lake, I thought to myself - what could I possibly do to ruin this beautiful moment? Luckily there was this dinosaur on the beach who inspired me and just kind of took over. At first, she (because all dinosaurs are female) was content with cozying up next to me but then she decided to take our relationship to the next level. So she bit me. I promptly introduced her to my Mother. Even though we no longer see each other, I still thing about that beautiful day at Afterglow. That was the longest and most stimulating relationship that I've ever had. And that is in no way sad.



















It really doesn't get any better than this. That is what makes life so difficult for the other 358 days of the year. How can anything back home compare to this? It doesn't. That is why I try to soak it all up in what precious little time I do have here.

Brian and Stacy were both enjoying this perfect night at Afterglow, but they were doing it in their own way. And who is to say that who is right and who is wrong? I am certainly not one to judge. You've seen the way that I (questionably) enjoy this place. I can't be the one who points the finger lest I be judged myself. People in glass houses shouldn't walk around naked. What? I meant throw stones!




























The sun was setting, which meant that tomorrow would be our last day at Afterglow. Rather than be upset about it, we sat out on the beach and watched the full moon rise. It was quite a sight to behold and Mom ended up getting some pretty good pictures of this celestial body. Always keep a positive attitude up here. Just because the day is ending doesn't mean it is over. Far from it.








I love a full moon. Maybe as much or more than the guy next to me. I'm fascinated by it and that mankind once thought "we should go there" and then actually did it. Now that's pure insanity if you ask me. To do the impossible.










Thursday is normally a good day to play music around the campfire because people are already at the lodge for the Awards & Video Night (like Monday with the Potluck). But for some reason, we didn't play. And Mom made popcorn in preparation for movie night in Cabin 2.



All the parents gathered in Cabin 2 for popcorn and movie, so all the kids gathered in Cabin 6 for drinking and Apples to Apples. I can't tell you which group had the better night because I only know what it was like from my perspective. But from where I was sitting everything was good. Damn good. Good enough that it was a fitting way to spend our 2nd to last night up here at Afterglow.