Afterglow 2015 - Day 2 Sunday




Our Mom pays for Afterglow (I'm not up to speed on the going rate, but I know that it is well over $1,000 for they week) and she asks for very little in return. The bare minimum is spending time with her. Cooking her dinner is a bonus. Jenny and I planned a feast of steaks, potatoes and carrots on the grill and corn on the cob. This would be a feast! One for all of the ages!








If there was one thing that I have learned throughout my travels, I would say that it would be "safety first". Since we were grilling over an open flame, I found that the best way to make sure we survived this adventure was to adorn ourselves with life preservers. They are more than flotation devices. I know from experience. This adventure ended well and we lived to tell our story.














I did the cooking, we all did the eating and Jenny Reck cleaned up afterwards. This was a real team effort. While the goodness settled in our stomachs, we watched City Slickers and planned out the remainder of the evening. While I was figuring out what to do next, Jenny interrupted my thoughts at the point in the movie where Billy Crystal hugs the cow Norman. She shouted out, "Yeah! You squeeze THAT MEAT!!!!" That's my Mom's pride & joy. She has problems. We all do. But at least we're on this journey together. God help us.










Uncle Dan was out fishing off the dock with June and Nate. I think they were trying to catch some fish, but they really should have been trying to catch the loons so that we could burn the hell beasts and send them back from whence they came. I don't condone catching and burning a living object, but loons aren't alive. They are satanic beings sent from the Dark Lord himself. So I'll burn them all.
























Another day was drawing to a close. Although this meant that we were one day closer to going home, one shouldn't overlook the incredible beauty of Afterglow at sunset. The sunlight brought about some incredible colors on the trees. The lake was calm and peaceful, so Mom, Jenny and I decided to take a family picture. There were just 3 of us representing Cabin #2 this year, but we brought enough rage to fill the place wall to wall.















We don't play music at every campfire, but we try to do the first one out of the way early. We didn't play last night, so we needed to get out there as soon as possible to see where we are. Kevin and I don't play together nearly as much as we used to, so we use the first time up here as kind of a practice night. We also had a new list of songs that we never played before, so we were eager to try them out. We had a small yet energetic crowd and I feel like we gave them their money's worth. Of course that's only because the show was free.






It looks like Cabin #6 (Casa de Rick) was the place to hang out tonight. All of the usual suspects were there and at this point I shouldn't have to list the names to go along with the faces. Besides, the only people who look at this are the ones featured in these photographs. We may all be a year old each time we come up here, but things haven't changed at all. And I'm actually quite proud of that this time.

I don't know if the rest of the kids joined us up at KK, but I can only tell you that me and Kevin were there because of these pictures. We recorded a couple of podcasts (which still have yet to be posted due to the defunct nature of our website The Daily Burner) and these pictures perfectly sum up what it is like while we record. It is complete nonsense and we truly enjoy making each other laugh.