Afterglow 2010 - Day 5 Wednesday



Liquid courage helped Kevin do backflips off of the HD, but Uncle Rick didn't need it to dive off of the HD. He dives at least once per year, but the booze helps him to not feel the pain in his knees after climbing the ladder and the slap to his body as he hits the surface of the water. So for him it's more like liquid numbness or liquid forgetfulness. But for me there isn't enough booze in the world to make me backflip or dive off the HD.















Someone put out some food, which was a terrible idea because the majority of us were wasted and attacked it like a lion on a gazelle. I don't know why food tastes so good when you're drunk, but it does and there was nothing we could do about it. That's my weakness.

Kevin assisted Timmy is his t-shirt change. And he was very very gentile. He's sneaky sneaky. And just when you underestimate the sneakiness, he springs up right behind you and disrobes you. So unless you want Kevin to take off your clothes, look out for him.















As I was walking by the window of the HT room, I saw that Stacy and Tommy were in there. Why didn't I think of that? After a swim in the BP a dip in the HT is Ed Zachary what the doctor ordered. I think there is a rule against going in the HT if you are pregnant or under the influence of drugs and alchol, but since I never learned how to read, I went ahead and did it anyway. Is any of that true? Well yeah, except for the reading part. Like lemmings jumping off of a cliff, when one of us goes in the HT everyone follows and before long we have exceed the capacity.














Brian and I decided to walk back towards the cabin after warming up in the HT. After all it was dinner time soon. If there is one thing that we don't miss it's The Price is Right. But if there are two things that we don't miss it's The Price is Right and Dinner. JUUULLLIIAAA!!

Those who weren't drunk at all had the free will to do whatever they wanted, and the ability to stomach a boat ride. If I was out there in that boat, I'd be feeding the fish if you know what I mean. But Susie, Stacy and Aunt Sandy were in good health to enjoy the cruise.






