South Carolina 2011 - The House (Reprise)



I think Baya is still a youngling, being under the age of 2 years or something. Since she still screws around all day and chews on things, she has to be locked up in her depressing cage when she is left alone. Jail can't be fun, and Baya wasn't happy with her incarceration.













Melissa teaches the D.A.R.E. program to grade school kids and tries to instill them with the "Hugs, not Drugs" philosophy. I don't really know if she preaches that but she brings home the truck, and last night I wanted to boost it and joyride it all over town. But I didn't do that.


All in all James and Melissa have a pretty sweet house. I don't want to pay their mortgage, property taxes, utilities, general house upkeep or any other bills associated with being a homeowner but I would definitely move in with them and live there rent free. That's my new thing. Since I will never be financially sound enough (nor have another income thanks to a wife) to own a house so I'm just going to reap the rewards of other people's willingness to shelter themselves in affordable luxury. If anyone else out there buys a house I'll come hang out for free. I got time.

I went out to the fire pit to find out if there was anything left of Thurman that wasn't sent back to Hell. Surprisingly the only thing that remained of the Earthly vessel that he was trapped in was this wire frame. Everything else was consumed by the fire and sent smoldering back to Satan's Kingdom. Thurman taught me so many things while he was here, and I was honored to be able to be a part of his life. And also to bury his remains.


Baya had to go outside before we took off for Charlotte, North Carolina. We were heading up there to see our Green Bay Packers take on the Carolina Panthers, which was spark that lit a fire under our collective asses to come down here to visit James and Melissa. Dogs can't come along to football games and I was incredibly thankful for that. No offense, but I don't need any extra drama. But before we left she was free to run around the yard and work out some of that pent-up energy that makes her a little ball of crazy. She's got a pretty damn good life here.



























