Afterglow 2015 - Day 7 Friday













It was a great night to sit around the campfire, which meant good times, good people and good music. Aunt Sandy hung out with June (who proudly showed off her "Spirit of the Week" award) and Carol cozied up next to Dale. It was now our job to give them a show.










It was approaching quiet hour so Mom took the opportunity to sing her song "Dragonfly" that she wrote in the offseason. Inspired by a poem and about Timmy, this was the first time that she played in up here. To hear this song, check out the video that I created. From here on out, the mood of the night changed. That's not necessarily a bad thing, for some quiet reflection and staring into the fire is exactly what I needed to close out the week. All rage must come to an end after all. Whether or not you choose to accept it.
Mom and Kevin took turns entertaining the small but faithful crowd. I jumped in from time to time to add a little sugar and spice into the mix and I'd like to think that we did enough to get them to come back again next year. I'd like to think we at least did that much.







I'm not that big into marshmallows, but I can certainly get down with someone who is. I'm good for one or two a year and it usually happens up here. So I'm sure that Jenny roasted me a good one that I could munch on in between sets. There's nothing like a sugary snack to keep the engine going strong well into the night. As a rockstar, it takes a lot to give it your all up there on the stage.




















I try to bring a couple of artifacts from my "normal" life up to Afterglow so that I can burn them. Over the years this has ranged from a sombrero to a birdhouse to a wooden monkey and a Nalgene bottle and a rocking horse. This year had some more ridiculous nonsense. Nothing can ever top the birdhouse (which I stole off the tree when I moved out of my house on Cass Street), but the flammable objects this year were more random. First I had one of those tiki drink umbrellas that I got from work. We had non-alcoholic tropical drinks at work (where's the fun in that?) and I held on to this umbrella for several weeks. And remembered to bring it up here. And then burned it.
The moon was out in full force once again. While it was great to be able to see this kind of clarity and detail in the closest celestial body, it kind of took away from our stargazing. And because of that, the Man in the Moon can go ____ himself. Be gone you Moon jerk!