San Francisco & Michelle's Wedding - Day 4

I am totally in love with parks. I would marry them if I could. Back in 2005 when Jenny and I went to New York City, we ventured through Central Park. Since we had some free time today, we decided to check out Golden Gate Park. Did you know that Golden Gate Park (at 1,107 acres) is bigger than Central Park (843 acres)? We started walking through it determined to make it to the end and back. But then I pulled up a map on my phone and I realized that there was no way we had enough time for this shit.










The trees and the foliage in this region were something that I have yet to see throughout my travels. I dig it. When you are in an unfamiliar territory, things should be different from the norm. The flowers blooming from the trees provided that for me today. But it wasn't just the flora that was of a different style and color. The buildings also stood out from what I was used to back home and I embraced the spiritual and colorful nature of this neighborhood. When you are in San Francisco, do as the San Franciscans do.












Now that the wedding affairs were complete, Jenny and I had free reign over the city of San Francisco to do what we pleased until it was time to go home. Jenny had one request and I had another. Luckily, both of our requests happened to be in the same neighborhood, so we called an Uber and rode over to the intersection of Haight and Ashbury. This is the neighborhood where the band The Grateful Dead lived from 1965 to 1968 as they rose to prominence. We got some ice cream from Ben & Jerry's and visited the house (on 710 Ashbury St.). This neighborhood had Jenny Reck written all over it. So I had no choice but to let this girl soak it all up and enjoy ever bit of it.


  If there is anything that Jenny Reck loves more than a dance party, it is a random drum/percussion circle. We have been a part of one on multiple occasions, so why would today be any different? When we stumbled upon  this joyous group in the park, we asked if we could join their motley crew. They were leery at first, but they handed us some shakers and scrapers so we could play along. The audio track is provided here for you.









































  I've mentioned this a thousand times, but my favorite part about traveling is trying local beer. At this bar we chose Hell or High Watermelon from the 21st Amendment Brewery. It was good. Fruity, but a very light taste. The kind of beer that is perfect for a warm summer day. Plus it has the Statue of Liberty on it. As I've previously mentioned, I want to look up her skirt and see the majesty she is hiding under there. She's my kind of girl.


  While we were rocking out with the Golden Gate Park people, I noticed so many randoms hanging out and being a part of the scene. The greatest one of them all was this person. He looks like a cross between Samuel L. Jackson and every other ridiculous homeless person I've ever come across. This guy has so much style that I need to take notes. I don't stand out enough in life and I need to take lessons from someone. It might as well be this random, right? If not, show me someone else I should ask.

















   After walking through what amounted to only about 10% of Golden Gate Park (trust me, this was a big ass park), we decided that we didn't have time to check it all out. Save some for next time I guess. We walked back towards the intersection of Haight and Ashbury to go back to some of the shops we passed by before. But because it was a Sunday, all of the shops closed early. Jenny was disappointed because she had set her sights on a Grateful Dead hooded sweatshirt and didn't buy it before because she didn't want to carry it around (it was the middle of July after all). This really bummed her out, but I had something planned that would really cheer her up.










 If you have been following me on social media, then you would know that I an a big fan of Full House (and the unnecessary follow-up Fuller House, which saw me taking off of work to binge watch Season 1 in February and Season 2 in December of 2016). When we were out here over 10 years ago, we went searching for the Tanner Family House (1709 Broderick Street) but came up empty. Keep in mind this was before the age of the cell phones and if you wanted to use Google Maps, you printed out directions before you left the house. Needless to say, we never found the place. So one could say that this voyage was 10 years in the making. When we had nothing but time to explore San Francisco today, we each picked a place to visit. Jenny picked the Grateful Dead house and I picked the Full House house. Looks like we both have a thing for houses. But even though this place doesn't look like it did in the 90's (does anything?), I was overjoyed to cross this off of my bucket list. I sure do love me some Full House. Have mercy! Cut it Out! How rude! You got it dude!


















  Dad and Kathy dropped us off at our hotel this morning and started their drive back home. We had free range over the entire city of San Francisco, but now that we saw our houses, we didn't know what else to do. So we started walking in search of a bar where we could sample a local beverage before packing it in for the night. Along the way, we saw this lion statue that acted rather aggressive when I approached him. I don't why he wanted to punch me. I was walking by just minding my business. Maybe he didn't like the way Jenny Reck was touching him. I don't know. Neither of us have a lot of experience around lions. So this was a brand new thing for both of us.